- apcu-panel - APCu control panel
- php - PHP scripting language for creating dynamic web sites
- php-ast - Abstract Syntax Tree
- php-bcmath - A module for PHP applications for using the bcmath library
- php-brotli - Brotli Extension for PHP
- php-cli - Command-line interface for PHP
- php-common - Common files for PHP
- php-dba - A database abstraction layer module for PHP applications
- php-dbg - The interactive PHP debugger
- php-devel - Files needed for building PHP extensions
- php-embedded - PHP library for embedding in applications
- php-enchant - Enchant spelling extension for PHP applications
- php-ffi - Foreign Function Interface
- php-fpm - PHP FastCGI Process Manager
- php-gd - A module for PHP applications for using the gd graphics library
- php-gmp - A module for PHP applications for using the GNU MP library
- php-intl - Internationalization extension for PHP applications
- php-ioncube-loader - Loader for ionCube Encoded Files with ionCube 24 support
- php-ldap - A module for PHP applications that use LDAP
- php-libvirt - PHP language binding for Libvirt
- php-libvirt-doc - Document of php-libvirt
- php-litespeed - LiteSpeed Web Server PHP support
- php-maxmind-db-reader - MaxMind DB Reader
- php-maxminddb - MaxMind DB Reader extension
- php-mbstring - A module for PHP applications which need multi-byte string handling
- php-mysqlnd - A module for PHP applications that use MySQL databases
- php-odbc - A module for PHP applications that use ODBC databases
- php-opcache - The Zend OPcache
- php-pdlib - A PHP extension for Dlib
- php-pdo - A database access abstraction module for PHP applications
- php-pdo-dblib - PDO driver for Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase databases
- php-pdo-firebird - PDO driver for Interbase/Firebird databases
- php-pecl-ahocorasick - Effective Aho-Corasick string pattern matching algorithm
- php-pecl-amqp - Communicate with any AMQP compliant server
- php-pecl-apcu - APC User Cache
- php-pecl-apcu-devel - APCu developer files (header)
- php-pecl-apfd - Always Populate Form Data
- php-pecl-awscrt - AWS Common Runtime PHP bindings
- php-pecl-base58 - Encode and decode data with base58
- php-pecl-bitset - BITSET extension
- php-pecl-bsdiff - The bsdiff extension for PHP
- php-pecl-cassandra - DataStax PHP Driver for Apache Cassandra
- php-pecl-couchbase4 - Couchbase Server PHP extension
- php-pecl-crypto - Wrapper for OpenSSL Crypto Library
- php-pecl-csv - CSV PHP extension
- php-pecl-datadog-trace - APM and distributed tracing for PHP
- php-pecl-dbase - dBase database file access functions
- php-pecl-decimal - Arbitrary-precision floating-point decimal
- php-pecl-dio - Direct I/O functions
- php-pecl-ds - Data Structures for PHP
- php-pecl-eio - Provides interface to the libeio library
- php-pecl-env - Load environment variables
- php-pecl-ev - Provides interface to libev library
- php-pecl-event - Provides interface to libevent library
- php-pecl-excimer - Interrupting timer and low-overhead sampling profiler
- php-pecl-fann - Wrapper for FANN Library
- php-pecl-geoip - Extension to map IP addresses to geographic places
- php-pecl-geospatial - PHP Extension to handle common geospatial functions
- php-pecl-gmagick - Provides a wrapper to the GraphicsMagick library
- php-pecl-gnupg - Wrapper around the gpgme library
- php-pecl-grpc - General RPC framework
- php-pecl-handlebars - Handlebars templating language
- php-pecl-http - Extended HTTP support
- php-pecl-http-devel - Extended HTTP support developer files (header)
- php-pecl-ice - Simple and fast PHP framework
- php-pecl-igbinary - Replacement for the standard PHP serializer
- php-pecl-igbinary-devel - Igbinary developer files (header)
- php-pecl-imagick-im7 - Extension to create and modify images using ImageMagick 7
- php-pecl-imap - Extension to operate with the IMAP protocol
- php-pecl-ion - Amazon ION support
- php-pecl-ip2location - Get geo location information of an IP address
- php-pecl-ip2proxy - Get proxy information of an IP address
- php-pecl-json-post - JSON POST handler
- php-pecl-jsonpath - Extract data using JSONPath notation
- php-pecl-krb5 - Kerberos authentification extension
- php-pecl-leveldb - LevelDB PHP bindings
- php-pecl-luasandbox - Lua interpreter with limits and safe environment
- php-pecl-mailparse - PHP PECL package for parsing and working with email messages
- php-pecl-mcrypt - Bindings for the libmcrypt library
- php-pecl-md4c - Convert Markdown to HTML
- php-pecl-memcache - Extension to work with the Memcached caching daemon
- php-pecl-memcached - Extension to work with the Memcached caching daemon
- php-pecl-memprof - Memory usage profiler
- php-pecl-mongodb - MongoDB driver for PHP
- php-pecl-msgpack - API for communicating with MessagePack serialization
- php-pecl-mustache - Mustache templating language
- php-pecl-mysql - MySQL database access functions
- php-pecl-mysqlnd-krb - Kerberos authentication plugin for mysqlnd
- php-pecl-nsq - PHP extension for NSQ client
- php-pecl-oauth - PHP OAuth consumer extension
- php-pecl-oci8 - Extension for Oracle Database
- php-pecl-openswoole25 - High Performance Programmatic Server for PHP with Async IO, Coroutines and Fibers
- php-pecl-openswoole25-devel - php-pecl-openswoole25 developer files (header)
- php-pecl-opentelemetry - OpenTelemetry auto-instrumentation support extension
- php-pecl-operator - Operator overloading for Objects
- php-pecl-pam - PAM integration
- php-pecl-parle - Parsing and lexing
- php-pecl-pcov - Code coverage driver
- php-pecl-pdo-oci - PDO driver for Oracle Database
- php-pecl-phpy - An extension for inter-calling Python and PHP
- php-pecl-pinpoint - PHP extension for pinpoint-apm<
- php-pecl-pkcs11 - PHP Bindings for PKCS11 modules
- php-pecl-pq - PostgreSQL client library (libpq) binding
- php-pecl-protobuf - Mechanism for serializing structured data
- php-pecl-pspell - Spell checker extension
- php-pecl-raphf - Resource and persistent handles factory
- php-pecl-raphf-devel - php-pecl-raphf developer files (header)
- php-pecl-rdkafka6 - Kafka client based on librdkafka
- php-pecl-recode - A module for PHP applications for using the recode library
- php-pecl-redis6 - PHP extension for interfacing with key-value stores
- php-pecl-rpminfo - RPM information
- php-pecl-rrd - PHP Bindings for rrdtool
- php-pecl-sdl-image - SDL_image bindings for PHP
- php-pecl-sdl-mixer - Binding of SDL_mixer for PHP
- php-pecl-sdl-ttf - SDL_ttf bindings for PHP
- php-pecl-seasclick - An Yandex ClickHouse client driven extension for PHP
- php-pecl-seassnowflake - PHP Extension for Distributed unique ID generator
- php-pecl-selinux - SELinux binding for PHP scripting language
- php-pecl-simdjson - Provides faster json decoding through simdjson bindings for PHP
- php-pecl-simple-kafka-client - Kafka client based on librdkafka
- php-pecl-skywalking - The PHP instrument agent for Apache SkyWalking
- php-pecl-ssdeep - Wrapper for libfuzzy library
- php-pecl-ssh2 - Bindings for the libssh2 library
- php-pecl-stats - Routines for statistical computation
- php-pecl-stomp - Stomp client extension
- php-pecl-swoole6 - PHP's asynchronous concurrent distributed networking framework
- php-pecl-swoole6-devel - php-pecl-swoole6 developer files (header)
- php-pecl-teds - Tentative Extra Data Structures
- php-pecl-trader - Technical Analysis for traders
- php-pecl-translit - Transliterates non-latin character sets to latin
- php-pecl-trie - PHP Trie extension
- php-pecl-uuid - Universally Unique Identifier extension for PHP
- php-pecl-var-representation - A compact, more readable alternative to var_export
- php-pecl-varnish - Varnish Cache bindings
- php-pecl-vld - Dump the internal representation of PHP scripts
- php-pecl-xattr - Extended attributes
- php-pecl-xdebug3 - Provides functions for function traces and profiling
- php-pecl-xdiff - File differences/patches
- php-pecl-xhprof - PHP extension for XHProf, a Hierarchical Profiler
- php-pecl-xlswriter - An efficient and fast xlsx file extension
- php-pecl-xmldiff - XML diff and merge
- php-pecl-xmlrpc - Functions to write XML-RPC servers and clients
- php-pecl-xpass - Extended password extension
- php-pecl-xxtea - XXTEA encryption algorithm extension for PHP
- php-pecl-yac - Lockless user data cache
- php-pecl-yaconf - Yet Another Configurations Container
- php-pecl-yaf - Yet Another Framework
- php-pecl-yaml - PHP Bindings for yaml
- php-pecl-yar - Light, concurrent RPC framework
- php-pecl-yaz - Z39.50/SRU client
- php-pecl-zmq - ZeroMQ messaging
- php-pgsql - A PostgreSQL database module for PHP
- php-phalcon5 - Phalcon Framework
- php-phpiredis - Client extension for Redis
- php-process - Modules for PHP script using system process interfaces
- php-realpath-turbo - Use realpath cache despite open_basedir restriction
- php-smbclient - PHP wrapper for libsmbclient
- php-snappy - Snappy Extension for PHP
- php-snmp - A module for PHP applications that query SNMP-managed devices
- php-soap - A module for PHP applications that use the SOAP protocol
- php-sodium - Wrapper for the Sodium cryptographic library
- php-solidworx-aspect - PHP Aspect Extension
- php-sqlsrv - Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server
- php-tidy - Standard PHP module provides tidy library support
- php-xml - A module for PHP applications which use XML
- php-xz - XZ (LZMA2) compression/decompression
- php-zephir-parser - Zephir code parser
- php-zephir-parser-devel - php-zephir-parser developer files (headers)
- php-zstd - Zstandard extension
- php-zstd-devel - php-zstd developer files (header)
- unit-php - PHP module for NGINX Unit
- uwsgi-plugin-php - uWSGI - Plugin for PHP support